Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Learn Me Something New

With less than one month until I leave for college and begin the next four years of my life, I begin to think about what I hope to accomplish. I get the same feeling when I look at the course catalog as I do when I see all the books I want to read at Barnes & Noble. I get a sense of fatigue. Not the kind of tired fatigue where you don't want to do anything anymore, but a sense that I will never get all that I want to accomplish. I have a desire to take every class, from economics to art history to rhetoric. Through this I discovered one of my most coveted values, education.

I don't necessarily care about being rich anymore, I want to be able to live so I can be able to know more. I will never gain all knowledge, but I hope to make a small dent. I hope to make a small dent in the Universe. Whether it be for the good of mankind, or for some other individual. I hope to someday build upon the knowledge I have gained and contribute to the vast libraries in the world. I want to imagine, create, inspire, & explore.

This isn't so much an anecdotal blog as it is a blog of what is going on in my head (which is much more than you see here). This is just the beginning, the past 18 years I gained a foundation for acquiring more knowledge and the next four years I hope to gain an even better foundation and maybe someday build upon that foundation and give back to the community that has inspired me. I would also be happy just giving back to the individuals who have given me so much. As of right now, I am a philosophy major. Look for changes.

Where the tree of knowledge stands there stands paradise.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Where there is knowledge, money will follow. and being Jewish, I'm sure you don't mind. :)