Monday, August 07, 2006

The Results

Well the Reality Distortion Field ™ is starting to wear off as the Steve Jobs keynote becomes part of recent history. Fortunately there are still 4 more days of the conference to go. Yesterday I made predictions on what was to be announced today, let me recap and tell you how I did.

I knew Mac OS X Leopard was going to be demoed, as did the rest of anyone who has ever read anything related to this conference so you can't really give me that one, but I would like to tell you how I feel about the features. First off, I really like the sound of Time Machine. I mean we all need to make back-ups but it is rare any of us do, so Time Machine will take care of us. I am also really happy for PhotoBooth being built into the operating system. iChat and Mail also look amazing. Also, it looks like Apple kept some of the new stuff "top secret" so the folks up at Redmond don't start their photocopiers too early. Apple was poking fun at them earlier with a banner that read "Redmond has a cat too, a copy cat". I thought that statement was pretty funny myself.

I would also like to say I called it with the Mac Pro, not only did I know that it was going to use Woodcrest (Dual Core Xeon), but I even knew there was no standard configuration, it is all build to order. The form factor changed too, well the inside did and they added one more optical drive, but still the one more optical drive is enough to change the form enough for me, although next time I would like to see it sport a smaller footprint.

Also the Xserve did get updated and the transition is now complete. No more PowerPC, it was good for 10 years and I will have very fond memories of the AIM alliance.

Well to my disappointment no new MacBook Pros, but that's ok, now I don't have to worry about if it will ship by the time I need it for school. So I guess I have to buy sometime this week. With 4 days left, I am looking forward to other announcements this week as well. Check out the latest at Apple


Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP!!! Apple has created a TIME MACHINE! This alone makes the Mac a sexy machine, along with the new Mac Pro. Expect a blog on this.

nessie said...

Hey there! I just read your commetn on my blog. I would love and be honoured if you linked to bw cafe. Keep yup your good work and hell! Brown eyes on certain people are amazing. I ain't one of them...