Monday, August 14, 2006

A New Generation

My summer is coming to a close. I leave for Berkeley in less than a week, 5 days to be exact. I have so much left to do before I leave, I have to finish the alcohol education lesson the school makes me take, I have to buy certain dorm related items, and I have to say good-bye to you, the heroes. I don't know quite where the summer went, but what I remember was good. Late nights with Rene and Janet's and Will's. Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Target, Valencia and the aqueduct with Kasey. Vacation up to Washington with my family and the continuous string of parties after graduation.

Today, high school started again officially replacing my class with the next generation of high strung, highly stresses, open-eyed college hopefuls. Also, the elementary schools around here started again as well. The kindergartners entering today are in the high school class of 2019. They are the ones officially replacing me in the mandatory public education system as I was the replacement for the high school class of 1993. Those guys are about 31 now by the way.

I still have a good 5 days left of my summer, before I make the plunge into the truly independent life. I will definitely miss the innocence. As of right now I am introducing the "Benji Transition Program". Kind of like what what we're doing in Iraq with their government, but with less blood and it actually has a time table (and probably more than a 34% approval rating). It's 5 days long and it involves packing and purchasing what I need as well as transitioning how I say I live in Lancaster to I live in Berkeley. Well if you'll excuse me I have some packing to do, I suppose I have to start eventually.


Anonymous said...

I totally know how you feel. After next year you will really dislike packing, if you don't already. I leave the day after you and I haven't even started packing. The scary thing is I go all the way across the contry!

Jennifer said...

I'm glad I don't have to pack or transition at all really. But I do start earlier than you, lucky. You know how I feel about you leaving, and I hope you know that I love you.

By the way, thanks. For the new blog, that is.

Anonymous said...

Will was the class of 1993--the class you replaced. Holy crap, he is old.

Anonymous said...

Will will probably come here and that wasn't nice of me to say, so I ALSO want to say how cute he is.

Cute, but old.