Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well as an Apple fan boy I am going to give my official predictions for the World Wide Developers Conference to kick off tomorrow with a traditional trademark Steve Jobs keynote. I am looking forward to being caught in his reality distortion field as it has been since January since we last heard him speak publicly. Anyway, my predictions.

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
I'll start with the obvious here. Apple is going to preview the next generation of its operating system code named "Leopard". It will most likely take advantage of the new Intel processors in the current Macintosh computers. It might have Windows virtualization software built in, which can be very exciting for people who are interested in switching or are bounded by one Windows-only program. Also, Apple is already poking fun at Micro$oft. With banners that say "Mac OS X Leopard, Introducing Vista 2.0" and "Mac OS X Leopard, Hasta la Vista, Vista"

PowerMac (Mac Pro)
My next prediction will be that Apple will complete their transition to Intel by introducing the professional end Macintosh (currently the PowerMac G5) with a new Intel chip, either a Core 2 Duo, Merom, or Woodcrest. I don't exactly know what the specs will be, but I hope for a new form factor as it has been 3 years since an update.

Apple's server product also long since been updated and still sporting a PowerPC chip. This will hopefully see an update tomorrow. Not that it matters to me, but I think tomorrow will see the completion of the transition.

MacBook Pro
I have been putting off the purchase of a new laptop for school because of this event. The MacBook Pro was introduced in January as one of the first computers sporting an Intel chip. I can see this getting updated to a Core 2 Duo processor at a faster system bus and speed. At least that's what I hope. Probably not a new form factor as it has ben very successful as aluminum.

Other Hardware Updates
I can see the iMac being the only other update to the hardware line because, again, it has been since January. It will most liley have similar specs to the MacBook Pro and offer the same chip, the Core 2 Duo. I think the Mac mini and MacBook will be untouched tomorrow.

Sorry to you music lovers out there (Rene), I doubt these will see an update until the October quarter, especially since the WWDC is for professionals around the Macintosh platform. Steve will give a numbers update as in how many songs/iPods sold, but nothing new.

Well that about wraps up my predictions. Let's see how I do tomorrow. Steve Jobs takes the stage at 10:00 AM PDT at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.


Anonymous said...

I will be sure to call you between classes for an update. You better be up! Wait...what am I saying? Of course you will be.

Anonymous said...

I will be sure to call you between classes. You better be up! What am I saying?! Of course you will.

Jennifer said...

Oh, Benji! This was not as interesting as I had hoped it would be. It may be because I am extremely tired, but it's probably just because I don't know all the cool lingo. Anyway, Mac's are awesome. That's all I wanted to say.