Tuesday, January 09, 2007

No Snow, Still a Good Winter

Sunday. I go back up to Berkeley in less than a week to start my new semester. This has been one of the most relaxing breaks I can remember. I feel well rested and I am ready to start the new challenges that lie ahead. School challenges and the challenges of being away from the people I have come even closer to these past few weeks. It feels similar to leaving after high school again, the only difference is I am leaving after a month, not 18 years. I feel prepared and I know what to expect the next few months. It isn't all new like it was before, last time I was nervous and excited, now I am just excited. I built a life for me up in Berkeley, surrounded by good, intelligent people.I look forward to resuming everything up there.

However there is a part of me that wants to stay. I like what I have here, I am happy, a happy that I have never felt ever before. I am going to miss you, but you should already know this. Still have five more days, let's make them the best of the break.

19 years old in ten days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I started my new semester yesterday, so I wish you all the best when you start yours! I totally get the different kind of happy, believe me, it is a feeling that is so great.