Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back in Berkeley

Four months after the most difficult semester of my life I was allowed one month of an almost stress-free break. This was the best break in recent history. I also rediscovered some of the best people I have the honor of knowing.

My sister, Angie, after battling a killer blizzard in Denver managed to make it home for two weeks. I haven't seen her since the beginning of August and we had a much needed brother-sister reunion. It felt as though we hadn't been apart and everything kind of went back to how it was, it was awesome.

Some of my best laughing times were with Janet & Will. We discussed the experiences of the first semester of college and the possibility of where Janet may attend law school (Boalt maybe?). I enjoyed the little time I spent with them, but every moment was enjoyable.

One of the most pleasant surprises was seeing Katie. In high school I didn't have the pleasure of hanging out with Katie outside of school as much as I would have liked to. I ask myself now, "why the heck didn't I hang out with her more?" I still owe her an ice cream cone however, when I see her again, I will pay her back.

I spent all but a few days with Kasey and have gotten closer to him than I could have ever imagined. We did everything from shopping in Valencia to taking a stroll in the park. My favorite memories of the break were spent with him. New Year movie night, countless Starbucks visits and staying up late just to talk. I know my break was meaningful because of you. I owe you more than you will know. You have given me so much happiness these past few weeks. I really hope he can make it up to Berkeley to visit in February.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ducks, thai food, katie, and benji. enough to make me climax. i think i just did. i had a great time too. can't wait to see you again.