Friday, January 26, 2007

Getting My Routine

I've been through two weeks of classes and I am still shifting my schedule. I guess technically this was the first full week of classes as last Monday was a holiday and this is the first week we actually attended discussion groups. I feel like it's taken two weeks to get classes started because we're just now going to discussion because each discussion also has a syllabus to accompany the syllabus in the lecture. The section syllabi suck though because they often include more work than what the professor asks of us. In lecture it's pretty much midterm, paper and final with reading to do in between. In some discussions though we have homework assignments and I mean assignments like back in high school. I'm talking worksheets that take 10 minutes to complete, but it's the most inconvenient 10 minutes of your weekend. Last semester I was spoiled by the dry classes which only had a few papers and exams. The only supplemental thing was reading and the occasional (monthly) homework assignment, I guess that's the price you pay for having interesting classes.

Other than that, I guess my semester is chugging right along. My roommate is out until 5:00 in the morning every night and missing his morning lectures which is kind of humorous to me and the other roommate is back to his gaming from afternoon to the wee hours of the morning. I wonder if it would be safe to say I was the most responsible one in my room? I mean my side is the cleanest and I actually make an effort to have a somewhat normal schedule.

The dorms are quite annoying though. If you recall from last semester I had a blog entitled "No More Summer Camp", what I realized now is that all year it's like freaking camp. The biggest reminder is the hall association which meets weekly to plan social events for the people in the dorms. While I guess I enjoy a sense of community, it is actually kind of annoying feeling like a child with events planned for us and a lot of them have little educational tie-ins like why not to drink alcohol. Maybe I just want to be left alone to do my own thing now that I have been here for half a year, I just want to live this and move out as soon as possible, I hate the dorms.

In the meantime I encourage all of my readers to get a dose of my sister's new blog, she can actually write.

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