Friday, October 20, 2006

The Challenge

Sorry. For all of my frequent readers I am sorry for my month long absence. One month. That's almost half a percent of my lifetime. Much occurred since my last posting, but nothing all that special. It's all part of the routine. This blog was supposed to be for the interesting things in my life, such as starting college, getting a broken computer, and almost getting mugged. Either all of the what would have been "big stuff" turned into routine, or my life is just boring. In the past month I went home to help my family move and for Yom Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays. It was an interesting feeling coming home. I felt out of place. I felt like my family didn't necessarily need me anymore, or perhaps it is I don't need them. It was a weird feeling, even though I had only been away six weeks, it felt different, my life is now here, in Berkeley.

Anyway, mid-term season is over for me. I had one test in economics and a paper due in both Philosophy and English. I can now relax again. Oh wait, in about two weeks I am supposed to start registration for next semester. I feel as though I just started this one, now I have to pick classes again? I don't even know my major yet, I can't just start picking classes, what if I pick the wrong ones? I'll just look at the schedule and pick the classes I want to take, the ones that look interesting.

As for everything else, I got a nice piece of mail today regarding my AppleCare agreement. I was reading over the terms and conditions--the small print-- and I noticed something they don't cover, "Acts of God". I wonder how many calls they get, "Hi, um my computer got burned, yeah God wanted to talk to me, but he couldn't find a bush so he just used my laptop, can you fix that?" I smirked.

Ok, so now the good stuff. I present myself with a challenge, the challenge of posting a blog every other day. An every two days blog. Nothing fancy, but just to stay in touch with everyone. For the next month, at least every two days will see a new post. We'll meet back here to see how I did on November 20.


Anonymous said...

I love the part about random acts of God! That is so funny & so true!

Anonymous said...

Boba rocks! I haven't had any in a long time.