Friday, April 20, 2007

Things I Like

Life can be depressing and stressful, it doesn't help when these facets of life happen at the same time. With two weeks remaining in the academic semester and finals season approaching, I can feel the weight of college life settling firmly on my shoulders. It's times like these I like to point out the things in life that make me happy and, if I can, I would like to share them with you.

In no particular order:

1) Waking up with him next to me 2) New music 3) Sleeping straight through the night 4) Extra caramel/chocolate on top of whipped cream 5) Falling asleep to the sound of the rain against the window 6) Visitors from back home 7) New products from Apple 8) Laughing for 45 minutes because of something stupid my sister said 9) Finishing a test/paper early 10) Getting an A on said test/paper 11) Large paychecks 12) Sleeping in freshly washed linens 13) Bush's falling approval rating 14) Going to the top of the Campanile and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge 15) When my iPod plays songs that seem to capture my mood perfectly 16) Long car rides with a friend 17) even longer walks with a friend 18) Wearing scarves 19) Feeling good in my favorite pair of jeans 20) 8:00 class being cancelled 21) A clean shave 22) Receiving a letter or postcard from someone I haven't seen in awhile 23) Not knowing where my roommates are 24) A cup of tea before bed 25) Working up a sweat while playing tennis 26) Free food 27) Never wanting to put a book down 28) Making inside jokes 29) Dressing up 30) Having no new facial blemishes 31) Smily faces in my coffee 32) My team winning 33) Finding grammatical/spelling errors in the conservative magazine on campus 34) Getting the last maple nut scone 35) The big stores in San Francisco 36) Quoting "Scrubs" with Angie 37) Finding Nemo 38) Waking up to a 3AM phone call from a friend 39) Having more money in my bank account than I thought 40) The campanile at night 41) Sparklers on holidays 42) Not dozing off in class 43) Helping people with computer trouble 44) AAPL going up 45) MSFT going down 46) Buying people stuff with my meal points 47) Tax returns 48) Green initiatives 49) Drag shows 50) "Meeting" famous people 51) Kissing 52) Earning my way to the top 53) Early Summer 54) People seeking my help and being able to help them 55) Art 56) Silence 57) Wikipedia's random page button 58) Being genuinely interested in a lecture 59) Knowing what to say at the right time 60) You... yes, you!


Anonymous said...

Same to YOU! Great list. :o)

Anonymous said...

The little things in life make it great!