Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Radical Apathy

Today in class I experienced what is best described as "vegging out". It was the last class of the day at 12:30 and I already had two prior, but at this point I was done with listening and trying to comprehend the soil depth and moisture content of the Californian mixed Evergreen forests. I plopped my butt in the classroom seat and waited for the ninety minutes to pass. I started daydreaming and thinking about life. I thought about how I got to where I was, from high school back to kindergarten. I played a game with myself trying to come up with a memory for every class I have ever been in. I succeeded in remembering the time I first played Oregon Trail or when I earned the coveted title "Berry Important Person" in kindergarten. I thought about the past and the distant past and I even thought about how I would never get these ninety minutes back.

This is the first time this semester where I felt apathy towards a subject or lecture. I couldn't even trick myself into being interested in the subject. I tried with the pictures of baby trees even mumbling under my breath "how cute". It's not just that it was boring, but I felt like I was just done with it. This is the same class I had a midterm last Thursday that I probably performed quite poorly. Eventually the hour and a half passed and I started walking to work when I actually saved a small dog from being ran over by what I assumed to be a crazy nobel prize winner (as they are the only ones with parking spots on campus.

The past seven and a half weeks have gone by slowly, but looking back it actually has been a lot faster than I expected. Everything has settled in and everyday goes by as expected. Nothing too exciting, but quite predictable. It's all mundane, the bright side is I am currently fifteen days away from spring break and I think I can hold out from going completely crazy until then.

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