Monday, March 12, 2007

sunglasses and flipflops

It's that time of year again. The days are getting longer, the nights are getting warmer, and people are trading scarves for sunscreen. The azure sky is complimented by the white flowers sprinkled on the lawn. Frisbees are threatening to smack us in the face and the squirrels are creeping around looking for the nuts they buried months before. Books and papers are being ignored for an afternoon basking in the sun and class time is being taken up for midterm reviews...

Wait a minute, midterms ‽ And all this time I thought summer was just around the corner. The past two weeks have been characterized by perfect bay area weather. I chose to wear shorts yesterday, not just because all my pants were dirty, but because the weather told me to. A few warm days and the populous here acts as if summer in a week away. I too fell into this mind trap. I felt as though there wasn't a care in the world and that soon I will be able to spend my days in sunglasses and shorts sipping lemonade on the porch perusing whatever smut I felt like. Then reality hits when I step back inside and look at the Monet calendar by my desk. It's the middle of March, memories of last winter break are closer than summer.

I am lucky to be less than two weeks away from spring break, but the general apathetic attitude of my fellow university students wants it to be summer already. I finished my first round of midterms last week and only have a short paper due before spring break. As I said in the previous blog I am just going through the motions until spring break happens to find its way here. It doesn't help that daylight savings time makes it feel like I should be calling my friends as soon as it gets dark so we can go out to Barnes & Noble and drink frappuccinos until the sun rises. The world tells me summer is here, but my mind reminds me it's a week until just the first day of spring. I don't want to go to classes at all, I just want to turn in my papers and go out and do youthful irresponsible things. Incase anyone is wondering, I have 66 more days until my summer officially begins. Damn it.

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