Monday, September 04, 2006

A Great Weekend

I can write about the first week of college classes. Well they were... different. Yes they were more difficult than high school, but they were also very different. From 20 people discussion groups to 700 student lecture halls. Everyday I had to walk about 4/5 of a mile just to campus and an extra fraction of a mile to classes all at 8:00 in the morning. Just so you know, I am the only one on my floor with 8:00 classes everyday, so imagine how I feel being pretty much the only person awake at 7:00. Worst of all are the awkward gaps between classes, enough time to study, but not enough time to walk back to my room and rest for awhile. This week though was just a lot of downtime. Fortunately for me it's a good trade off because I am also one of the only ones on my floor with Friday entirely off, so it's always a three day weekend for me. Here's a little view of what I did this week:

Econ 1 Discussion MW 8:00-9:00
Econ 1 Lecture MW 12:00-1:00
Theatre 24 M 2:00-4:00
English R1A TTh 8:00-9:30
Philosophy 4 TTh 11:00-12:30
Art History 24 W 2:00-4:00

**Starting this week however I can move econ discussion up an hour and add an hour long discussion for philosophy on Thursdays from 2-3**

This weekend however is what this post is about. My friends Janet, Will, Rene, and Tyler came up from Lancaster to visit (Alan came too, but he spent his time with Jena). On Saturday we took a tour of Berkeley, had dinner, went to Yogurt Park and some of us went to a party.

On Sunday we took the BART to San Francisco and had lunch at Fisherman's Wharf, walked up to Ghirardelli Square for some awesome ice cream sundaes where Tyler and I split a $7.00 sundae, but they accidently filled our order twice so we got two for the price of one. After that we went to Japan Center, city hall and UC Hastings Law School. We then took a quick muni ride to Castro and took a look at all the shops. Then we finished the night going down Market Street and had dinner at a Thai restaurant and got drinks at the Hilton after joining in chorus with a homeless man looking to make some quick change.

Today we had to say goodbye but not before getting some Cal apparel and eating lunch at Blondie's Pizza.

I just wanted to let everyone know that seeing those people put a huge smile on my face, it was one of the greatest things to have happened to me. In a time where I was feeling a little bit homesick I got to see some of my favorite people and that just meant everything to me. I can't thank them enough, but hopefully this will suffice for now. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Benji, I couldn't ask for anything more than to be your friend. Expect me to come and visit you more in the following year. I am serious about going to get my masters at Berkeley at the end of the following 8 months. Set aside a position in the frat for me k? Have a good week my friend.

Anonymous said...

Love you!

We'll come again soon.

I'm wearing my Berkeley shirt today. :o)

Anonymous said...

Benji, it was truly a memorable visit. Thanks for hosting. You are a remarkable tour guide. If you hadn't so much promise as a student/intellectual, I'd recommend it as a possible career option!

See you again soon. Let us know if you need anything.

Oh yeah, I'm wearing my Berkeley shirt as well... :)
