Saturday, September 09, 2006

No More Summer Camp

Berkeley is no longer the summer camp I said in which it reminded me. I am writing this in hoping to further delay the completion of my philosophy paper. It is supposed to be about 3-4 pages long and I am just past two pages. Not only am I writing my first college paper, but I also have an economics problem set due this week and reading for English as well as a drawing to redo for art history. Give me a break if I can't draw. What makes this philosophy paper even worse is that we just started class last week and have only been four times, that's six hours of instruction, but the discussion group has only met for one hour... on Thursday. Even my graduate student instructor (GSI) said it was weird that we were writing a paper so early in the course. Even worse is that we have to reconstruct (not summarize) the philosopher's argument and then draw our own conclusion, like if we have enough experience to be philosophers. If you want to know what the paper is on, just look up Descartes' First Meditation and all will be known.

On the bright side, I am feeling comfortable in my new environment as I begin to gain a routine. I was elected as the hall association (hall ass) treasurer/finance director, I am again in charge of money, I hope to do well in this position. I also just started working at the campus computer with a really great group of coworkers. I really look forward to working there more and creating a bond with the folks there, they could be like my new robotics. I also figured out my schedule for free food, all at Hillel, the Jewish group on campus. I am good for food on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays that saves me meal points. I go to Hillel a lot, usually with my friend Eric from temple back at home.

Well this brings me to the Apple related topic of the blog. On Tuesday, Apple is having a special media event. The event is to be held in San Francisco, just 15 miles away from my dorm room.

It's time to play my favorite game... Guess What Apple Will Introduce!!

My first prediction will be an iTunes movie store, full length movies downloadable on iTunes, that in my opinion is almost a given. Apple wouldn't however just have a media event for software, there is also some hardware to go along with the new software. Probably an iPod refresh or new iPod model with a bigger screen for viewing movies. Also Apple may introduce a living room media hub, but I doubt it, but it could happen. Anyway I look forward to watching Steve's Reality Distortion Field™ on Tuesday as well as stopping by the local record store to buy the new Barenaked Ladies album "Barenaked Ladies Are Me" it should be a good week.


Anonymous said...

Tuesday will be very exciting:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the hall ass treasurer!

Why do you have to draw in Art History? I was an Art History MAJOR and never had to draw more than a simple sketch of the layout of a painting. No drawing skillz required at UCSB.

Anonymous said...

Benji, you're the man. Congrats! Sounds like you've got plenty going on out there. Whatever happens, don't get lazy blogging!

Jennifer said...

Do they make matzo ball soup at Hillel?? If so, you'll have to take me there. Don't worry, I have brown hair and brown eyes. My nose is small but hey, I should pass as Jewish. I love the food!