Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Winter Break

With a semester under my belt I feel a bit more relaxed about everything. I have successfully secured at least a 3.0 GPA in my first semester at Berkeley. What am I going to do now? I guess now that I am home I am going to relax and visit with old friends. The thing is, I feel a little overwhelmed with all of the people I can see. I haven't seen my sister since August so I want to spend time with her, but I have people I want to see outside my family. The thing is, there are a lot of people that want to see me, but only about a handful I actually want to see. I guess what I want is to just hang out with the right people and not waste time with the people who cause me stress, I just want to see the people who make me happy. Thank you to those who do. Hopefully I will be seeing a lot of you this break as we go on great adventures.


Anonymous said...

Have a GREAT break from school! Relax and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I hope I am not one of the people who wants to see you but who you do not want to see. Now I have a complex.

Anonymous said...

sometimes I am just not sure which category I fell into. Please let me know so that I don't feel completely insane. Goodness.